Monday, May 23, 2011

Montagnard Cooking

This project was an interesting one for me. It took a couple of turns that I didn't expect. First off, I wasn't going to do this project to begin with. I wanted to go all out and do a cooking show with the owners of a restaurant in the next city over, but I didn't even know if that was an actual possibility. So when we were told that these helpful people were going to come to our school and do a cooking demonstration for us, I of course chose to go to that; the subject of which, being my primary focus for the project. The women were lovely, entertaining, and light hearted. The beginning of the interview was fairly standard. We watched and asked questions while they cooked. Then the woman who spoke better english began elaborating on her time spent in the jungle. Her story was incredible. I wanted to structure my little documentary in a way that gave the viewer the basic information and then delved a bit deeper into her personal story. I am very pleased with the end result.

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